Mixed Media Video collage GM Auto 2.0

We created this mixed-media video in Motion Graphics to present GM‘s electric car vision for the future. By 2035, half of passenger vehicles sold will be electric, which means the entire automotive industry will have to evolve quickly.

General Motors Bloomberg New York motion graphics studio
motion design studios Wideview 
explainer videos company

After the graphic style step, when the client validated a graphic direction we created this storyboard will all the frames to show the whole content before launching the animation phase.

Storyboard General Motors Bloomberg New York motion graphics services Wideview 
motion design companies
animated explainer company

In order for this transformation to be successful, auto workers will need to acquire new skills, but institutional knowledge and legacy will be important too.

General Motors Bloomberg New York motion design studio Wideview 
motion graphics production
animated explainer video company

That’s why GM is cross-training the engineers who now work on internal combustion engines by pairing them with specialists who can teach them to work on electric vehicles. This is part of the Detroit automaker’s commitment to helping shape an all-electric future.

General Motors Animation Wideview motion design service
motion graphics agencies
animated explainer video

Feel free to contact our motion graphics company if you have any questions!