Mixed Media Animation – Canopy

Here at WIDEVIEW we’re all about the green and helping our planet stay healthy so when CANOPY PLANET reached out for animated motion graphics services to us we were really excited.

Mixed Media Animation Storyboard Wideview Motion Graphics Agency

CANOPY PLANET works with the forest industry’s biggest customers and their suppliers to develop business solutions that protect these last frontier forests. Some of their main partners include H&M, Scholastic, Stella, Target, Zara and the list goes on.

Mixed Media Animation Wideview Motion Graphics Company team picture

We used video collage (mixed media video) to tell the pulp thriller of what CANOPY is all about, all while following this curious detective on her journey.

Mixed Media Animation Motion Design Wideview Motion Graphics Company

With a robust image library provided we were able to design around them and create a perfect balance of imagery and illustrations. Filled with textures and depth this was an energetic video that worked perfectly to deliver CANOPY’s message.

Mixed Media Animation Wideview Motion Graphics Agency New York

Feel free to contact our motion graphics agency if you have any questions!