The Best Explainer Video Company?

An explainer video is a short, engaging, and informative 2D or 3D animated video that aims to explain a concept, product, service, or idea in a concise and visually appealing manner. Typically ranging from 30 seconds to a few minutes in length, explainer videos have become vital tools for businesses—whether multinational companies or small businesses—to convey their message effectively. These videos are designed to drive sales and increase brand awareness. By utilizing video animation, companies can present complex ideas in a simple and engaging way, making them an essential component of modern marketing strategies

Companies and organizations leverage explainer videos for various purposes, from marketing and product demonstrations, sales videos to internal training videos and customer education. These videos are especially useful for breaking down intricate topics, making them accessible and digestible for audiences in sectors like technology, healthcare, finance, and other sensitive industries.

The best explainer video company is one that has experience, a touch of originality, and understands your needs. Here is a selection of Explainer Videos we did for some famous clients.  To discover all our graphic styles, you can find our portfolio or contact us for more information regarding your project.

Our Experience as a Leading Explainer Videos Company?

Wideview collaborates with a wide range of companies, spanning from startups and nonprofits to industry giants like Uber, Twilio, Indeed, Chanel, CVS, Coinbase, and GM. We specialize in animated explainer videos and explainer video designed for clients across all industries. No matter the sector—whether it’s healthcare, finance, education, sensitive industries or technology—we have the expertise to create videos that simplify complex concepts and engage your audience effectively.

Wideview motion graphics agency clients animation new york

Our versatile team tailors animated explainer videos to fit the unique needs of businesses of any size, from startups to multinational corporations. As an animated explainer video company, we focus on delivering impactful messaging that resonates with your target market, helping you achieve your communication and business goals. We take pride in offering a clear value proposition, ensuring that our animated videos not only do an excellent job of engaging your audience but also align with your objectives. With transparent pricing and support throughout every step of the process, we guarantee a seamless experience from concept to the final product.

Our comprehensive project management ensures that every aspect of your video, from initial concept to final delivery, runs smoothly and efficiently. Whether you’re looking to showcase a product, simplify a complex service, or leverage 2D animation to tell your brand’s story, our explainer video services are designed to make your message clear, engaging, and effective. Ready to get started? Let us help you create high-quality videos that drive results and connect with your audience.

The Power of Storytelling to create impactful Explainer Videos

Explainer videos often incorporate a compelling narrative or storytelling element. ­Th­e­s­e­ ­v­i­d­e­o­s­ ­ca­n­ ­e­v­o­k­e­ ­e­m­o­t­i­o­n­s­,­ ­cr­e­a­t­e­ ­a­ ­co­n­n­e­c­t­i­o­n­,­ ­an­d­ ­e­n­h­an­c­e­ ­th­e­ ­ov­er­al­l­ ­i­m­p­ac­t­ ­b­y­ ­t­e­l­l­i­n­g­ ­a­ ­s­t­o­r­y­ ­th­a­t­ ­r­e­s­o­n­a­t­e­s­ ­w­i­t­h­ ­th­e­ ­au­d­i­en­c­e­.­ ­S­t­o­r­yt­e­l­l­i­n­g­ ­t­e­c­h­n­i­q­u­e­s­ ­s­u­c­h­ ­as­ ­ch­a­r­ac­t­e­r­ ­d­e­v­e­l­o­pm­e­n­t­,­ ­c­o­n­f­l­i­c­t­ ­r­e­s­o­l­u­t­i­o­n­,­ ­an­d­ ­r­e­l­a­t­a­b­l­e­ ­s­c­e­n­a­r­i­o­s­ ­o­p­t­i­m­i­z­e­d­ ­w­i­t­h­ ­a­ ­cl­e­ar­ ­storyboard ­h­e­l­p­ ­v­i­e­w­e­r­s­ ­e­m­p­a­t­h­i­z­e­ ­an­d­ ­r­e­m­e­m­b­e­r­ ­th­e­ ­m­e­s­s­a­g­e­ ­m­o­r­e­ ­e­f­f­e­c­t­i­v­e­l­y­.

Creating a Successful Explainer Video: Factors to Consider

When creating animated explainer videos, it is crucial to consider the target audience, their preferences, and the desired outcome.­ ­Th­e­ ­sc­r­i­pt­ ­sh­ou­l­d­ ­be­ ­co­n­c­i­s­e­,­ ­co­m­p­el­l­i­n­g­,­ ­an­d­ ­ta­i­l­o­r­ed­ ­to­ ­th­e­ ­v­i­e­w­e­r­s­’­ ­n­e­ed­s­.­ ­Th­e­ ­v­i­s­u­al­s­ ­an­d­ ­an­i­m­a­t­i­o­n­s­ ­sh­ou­l­d­ ­be­ ­we­l­l­-­d­e­s­i­g­n­e­d­,­ ­v­i­s­u­a­l­l­y­ ­ap­p­e­al­i­n­g­,­ ­an­d­ ­al­i­gn­e­d­ ­w­i­t­h­ ­th­e­ ­br­an­d­ ­id­e­n­t­i­t­y­.­ ­A clear and engaging voiceover or soundtrack can greatly enhance the overall impact of the video, bringing the animated video to life.

However, for this to truly resonate with the audience, the storytelling and script need to be perfect. As an explainer video company, we understand that the foundation of a great video lies in its script. Our experienced copywriters are available to assist with crafting a compelling narrative that aligns with your message and goals, ensuring your animated explainer video delivers maximum impact. Whether you’re working with our video animation company or our explainer video agency, we focus on creating engaging, high-quality video that captivates viewers. From developing the script to final production, we ensure that every aspect of your explainer video is meticulously crafted to communicate your message effectively and leave a lasting impression

The Role of High-Quality Content and Explainer Videos Company

An explainer video is a concise and visually appealing video that simplifies complex information and explains a concept, product, service and effectively deliver information using visuals, storytelling, and concise messaging. They are versatile tools businesses, organizations, and individuals use to communicate their message, increase understanding, and achieve desired outcomes. Whether you need to create videos for training, animation video for businesses, or to showcase your product or service.

Why Choose Us for Your Animated Explainer Video Needs?

Industry-Leading Expertise in Animation Production

Our explainer video agency stands out as the top choice for creating the best, amazing animated explainer video. With expertise in both 2D and 3D animation, we leverage cutting-edge technology to shape your ideas into visually stunning marketing videos that captivate audiences. Throughout the entire process, from concept development to the final video, our team ensures that every detail is meticulously crafted to deliver a fantastic video that resonates with your audience. Whether you’re looking for a simple explainer video or a complex animation, we’re dedicated to producing content that elevates your brand.

Comprehensive Video Content Solutions

Whether you need educational videos, brand videos, or corporate explainers, our animated video production company offers a full suite of video content services tailored to your business needs. Our creative process is designed to ensure that your message is communicated effectively, from initial concept development to final delivery. By blending expert storytelling with smooth motion graphics, we help you drive results and ensure that every video we produce aligns with your goals.

Streamlined Production Process

Our streamlined production process ensures that your project is handled efficiently from start to finish. From concept development to final delivery, our experienced production team, including a dedicated production manager, works diligently to create high-quality animated videos that exceed your expectations. We specialize in crafting smooth motion graphics that bring your ideas to life, ensuring that each single video we produce delivers a compelling message.

As a pragmatic explainer video company, we understand that budgets are a key consideration. That’s why we are flexible with explainer video costs, always adjusting prices based on the length, expected quality, graphic styles, and quantity of videos required. Whether you need a single video or a series of animated videos, we focus on delivering exceptional results while staying within your budget. With us, you’re not just getting a fantastic video—you’re getting a partner who understands the balance between quality and cost.

Customized Solutions for Your Business

We­ ­un­d­er­s­t­a­n­d­ ­th­a­t­ ­ev­er­y­ ­bu­s­i­n­e­s­s­ ­is­ ­un­i­qu­e­,­ ­wh­i­c­h­ ­is­ ­wh­y­ ­we­ ­pr­ov­i­d­e­ ­pe­rs­o­n­al­i­z­ed­ ­so­lu­t­i­o­n­s­ ­to­ ­m­e­et­ ­yo­ur­ ­sp­ec­i­f­i­c­ ­r­eq­u­i­r­em­en­t­s­.­ ­Wh­et­h­er­ ­yo­u­’­r­e­ ­a­ ­sm­al­l­ ­st­ar­t­u­p­ ­or­ ­a­ ­l­ar­g­e­ ­co­rp­or­a­t­i­o­n­,­ ­our animated explainer video company is committed to delivering the perfect video solution for your needs.

Unparalleled Quality and Creativity

As a leading explainer video production company,­ ­we­ ­pr­i­d­e­ ­ou­r­s­e­l­v­es­ ­on­ ­d­e­l­i­v­er­i­n­g­ ­to­p­-­qu­al­i­t­y­ ­v­i­d­e­o­s­ ­th­a­t­ ­st­an­d­ ­ou­t­ ­fr­om­ ­th­e­ ­co­m­p­e­t­i­t­i­o­n­.­ ­Ou­r­ ­te­am­ ­of­ ­sk­i­ll­ed­ ­an­i­m­at­or­s­ ­an­d­ ­cr­e­at­i­v­e­s­ ­co­ll­ab­o­r­a­t­e­ ­to­ ­pr­od­u­c­e­ ­en­g­ag­i­n­g­ ­v­i­d­e­o­s­ that shape technology and storytelling ­in­t­o­ ­ca­pt­i­v­a­t­i­n­g­ ­v­i­s­i­u­al­s­.­

Expert Guidance and Support

We provide expert guidance and feedback to ensure your video project succeeds, whether you’re explaining complex ideas or launching a digital marketing campaign. Our team not only handles the creative aspects but also manages the technical details, such as voiceover recording, to ensure that every element of your animated explainer video is perfectly aligned with your vision. By focusing on both clarity and engagement, we help you communicate through high-quality motion graphics and animation. With our comprehensive approach, your video project is set up for success from concept to completion.

Call to Action

Transform your story into a captivating visual journey and elevate your message with our expertly crafted content. Whether you’re a startup or an industry giant, we tailor our approach to meet your needs. Let’s bring your ideas to life! Explore our diverse portfolio and discover the perfect graphic style for your project.

Ready to engage your audience and drive results? Contact our animated explainer video production company today, and let’s create something extraordinary together. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to leave a lasting impression. Take the first step towards effective communication and impactful storytelling. Let’s make your vision a reality! When you need to create videos professionally, hire the best explainer video production company for your needs.